Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Ruffles Mozzarella N Marinara Chips

Ruffles Mozzarella N Marinara Chips

I like Ruffles brand chips as a whole. They are usually pretty good. My only complaint is they are really salty...and that holds true to this offering also. They tasted really good. The marinara flavor and cheese flavors did well. I could have used a bit more marinara, but it really is a great flavor combo. Now to the down side: The Salt. As I was eating and enjoying these chips. The salt kept building. I was drinking water to impart no influence on taste and it still kept building. By the time I finished the bag it was way up there. I would decrease the salt a bit and increase the marinara and cheese flavors. I give theses a 4 out of 5. Still great chips...but they could adjust a just a couple of things and they would be even better.