Thursday, October 27, 2016

That time of year....Chili!!

When it gets cooler outside I crave chili. I love chili...and you got to have corn chips to go with the chili right? I like the white corn chips the best due to their slightly milder flavor. I usually warm them up, sprinkle with salt and even spritz them with lime juice for a citrus kick.

Another twist is to make your own corn chips.You can make them out of flour tortillas and they are just delicious. The cool thing is they are hearty enough to support chili, meat, or heavy dips and you can season them like you want them.

Check out this link for the 411 on how it's done:


Good stuff...Oh and we have a chili cook off at work and will be making a pot of ghoulish delight for Mondays competition and festivities!


Monday, October 24, 2016

Zapp's Cajun Crawtators

Someone brought me a bag of here is my review. Decided to do it on video this time.

Zapp's Cajun Crawtators


Friday, October 7, 2016

Herr's Peppered Bacon flavored Chips

Herr's Peppered Bacon Chips

I have discovered over the years that Herr's potato chips are usually not bad. They are down right cheap.  I think I payed 1.39 for a 5 oz bag, which is usually what you pay for a smaller bag of Lay's or other name brand chips. And like other cheap chips flavors sometimes are hit or miss. This one didn't quite hit. I mean it tasted ok, but not what I expected.  Let's dig into the review.

Taste: They didn't quite get there. To me it almost tastes like a pork rind. They have a porky baconish kind of flavor, but it is sort of hollow. If you have ever had pork rinds you know you get a pork flavor in the light airy rinds. These chips eat like a chip, they are crunchy. But the taste is not enough bacon and just a mild pork flavor.  You could almost call them "pork rind flavor chips". They don't taste bad, just not like I expected. I was not the only one who thought this. My kids devoured the bag and said they were good but didn't taste like bacon...more like a pork rind. There you have it.

I would rate these at 2.5 out of 5...not because they tasted bad, but because they didn't meet my expectations of a bacon flavored chip.

Until next time...