Thursday, March 16, 2017

Zapps Voodoo Chips

Zapps Voodoo Kettle Chips

I happened apon this flavor a while back and have not reviewed I shall. This is probably my favorite chip at the moment. When I first saw the bag several months ago I was expecting something hot and spicey. But no...they have a citric acid kind of kick with smoke, papprica, onions, etc..kind of rolling around in there. I don't really know how to classify what they are. They are not sour, they are not sweet, they are not hot, they are not overly leaning to say one style of cooking. It is like someone too some kettle salt and vinegar chips and took out all the extra salt...then seasoned it with a generous portion of season an everything bagle.

They are unique...and if they came out with a Voodoo+Heat version I would certainly buy it. Went in the store the other day to get some of these for my lunch bag....there were not many of them left so I must not be the only person who likes them. 4.7 on a scale of 1 to 5...and I am sticking to it for the moment.

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