Friday, November 18, 2016

Doritos Jacked Ranch Dipped Hot Wings Chips

Doritos Jacked Ranch Dipped Hot Wings Tortilla Chips

Doritos has done some interesting things with their tortilla chips. I personally love the Del Taco Loco Taco. The plain jane red bag ones are classic. That being said I really think they missed the boat on this one. Here is why:
1. Ranch flavor was majorly lacking
2. Way too much citric acid flavor...I though I was eating lime chips
3. Hot wing flavor was minimal and not hot at all.

Overall impression is that there was way too much salt and citric acid and not enough of the flavor listed on the bag. I don't know if this was just a bad bag...but I would not purchase these chips again. They did seem to be a thicker chip, but that doesn't make up for the fact they really don't deliver in the flavor department. On a scale of 1 to 5 I would give them a 2. Some people may like them...but I would take a bag of Nacho Cheese ones over these any day.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Wise Finger Lick'n Ribs BBQ Chips

Wise Finger Lick'n Ribs BBQ Chips

I was in Fred's the other day looking for stuff for the Christmas season....since you know they got all kinds of stuff at Fred's that came from somewhere else except now it is cheaper. Anyhow I was snacky and they have an entire isle of nothing but snack food. On the end cap were these chips.

I thought...OK, I'll bite. So I get in the car and start back to Bainbridge and opened the bag. I have to say for $1.00 this was the best bag of chips I have had in a while. You get a really nice meat flavor. Smokey and flavorful to the point I could about taste the charred meat on the outside of the ribs. I have no idea how they replicated that, but to get any more realistic I would have to be picking stuff out of my teeth with a toothpick. These things are great. Good sweet and tangy flavor from the bbq side of things...not to mention the previously talked about meat flavor. I will have to give these a 4.5 on a scale of 1 to 5. These are a must try chip if BBQ is your thing.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Takis Nitro Tortilla Chips

Takis Nitro Tortilla Chips

I first found these a few years ago. Made by Barcel and mainly marketed at the Hispanic community. They have caught on pretty good in the overall market. I see them in most stores. They have 7 or 8 different flavors and I like all the ones I have tried.  I remember seeing bags with NO English writing on them at some stores which was kinda cool. This particular flavor "Nitro" a Habanero Lime. They roll up the tortillas and cook them into a cool little package. Flavorings are generous. You do end up licking your fingers because it does come off and stick to them. Not really an issue since they are loaded with the seasoning. 

Heat wise these are good. About like a good hot chip. Not overly hot though. (some would disagree).
They have a mild sweetness with a citric acid kick. I think they would really be good dipped in some cheese or sour cream. Overall a fun snack. Cool looking...they look like little rolled up tortilla shells, which they kinda are.  I would give them a 4 out of 5. I could have even stood a little more heat and a little less salt. 

Would love some suggestions on more chips to make a comment or drop me a line.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

That time of year....Chili!!

When it gets cooler outside I crave chili. I love chili...and you got to have corn chips to go with the chili right? I like the white corn chips the best due to their slightly milder flavor. I usually warm them up, sprinkle with salt and even spritz them with lime juice for a citrus kick.

Another twist is to make your own corn chips.You can make them out of flour tortillas and they are just delicious. The cool thing is they are hearty enough to support chili, meat, or heavy dips and you can season them like you want them.

Check out this link for the 411 on how it's done:


Good stuff...Oh and we have a chili cook off at work and will be making a pot of ghoulish delight for Mondays competition and festivities!


Monday, October 24, 2016

Zapp's Cajun Crawtators

Someone brought me a bag of here is my review. Decided to do it on video this time.

Zapp's Cajun Crawtators


Friday, October 7, 2016

Herr's Peppered Bacon flavored Chips

Herr's Peppered Bacon Chips

I have discovered over the years that Herr's potato chips are usually not bad. They are down right cheap.  I think I payed 1.39 for a 5 oz bag, which is usually what you pay for a smaller bag of Lay's or other name brand chips. And like other cheap chips flavors sometimes are hit or miss. This one didn't quite hit. I mean it tasted ok, but not what I expected.  Let's dig into the review.

Taste: They didn't quite get there. To me it almost tastes like a pork rind. They have a porky baconish kind of flavor, but it is sort of hollow. If you have ever had pork rinds you know you get a pork flavor in the light airy rinds. These chips eat like a chip, they are crunchy. But the taste is not enough bacon and just a mild pork flavor.  You could almost call them "pork rind flavor chips". They don't taste bad, just not like I expected. I was not the only one who thought this. My kids devoured the bag and said they were good but didn't taste like bacon...more like a pork rind. There you have it.

I would rate these at 2.5 out of 5...not because they tasted bad, but because they didn't meet my expectations of a bacon flavored chip.

Until next time...

Monday, September 19, 2016

Lay's Barbecue chips...the old standard

Lay's BBQ Chips

I like bbq chips. As far as I am concerned these have got to be the standard. I mean they just pop in my head when I think of BBQ chips. Why? Couple of reasons. 1. They are consistent in flavor. Some bbq chips have tasted better...yes. But these guys are spot on all the time. 2. Not too sweet. Some bbq chips are just way too sweet. Honey bbq I can live with it...but not just plain bbq chips. 3. Not too greasy. 4. Not too messy. I have had some bbq and other chips that when you finish eating them you have stuff all over your hands and you...combine the powdered coating with grease and you have a mess.
I remember these from when I was a little kid...and they still taste the same. And they are probably the number one bbq chip in America...not seen any figures but I would not doubt it.
On a scale of 1 to 5...I give them a solid 4.5.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Kettle Brand Backyard Barbeque

I like Kettle Brand chips most of the time. That being said I am kind of scratching my head on this flavor. Backyard Barbeque....I am thinking tangy, smokey, maybe some sweetness. In fact their website says "smoky, spicy, tangy and sweet". My impression at least for the 2oz bag I got to go with lunch was that the flavor is not real pronounced. I think the chips taste good. Crunchy, sweet, not a lot of salt. But the flavoring side of things was just not there. Didn't pick up any smoke. Not a lot of tangy taste. Not much in the way of a hint of bbq sauce. Not real spicy either. They didn't taste bad...they just left me going "backyard bbq?" I think I either got a bad bag or this is just not a real pronounced flavor. I will get another bag from another store later and see. If I find different...I will amend my review. On a scale of 1 to 5 I would rate these a 2.5. Not bad tasting, just not on par with what I would call "backyard barbeque".


When you have chips....plain, corn, wavy or sometimes crave a good dip. I think tonight I will go home and make some spinach dip to enjoy with dinner. So watch for my recipe soon. If you have a favortie dip....comment below. I have some really cool recipies for different ones.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Sun Chips Harvest Cheddar

I have always enjoyed Sun Chips. Nice and crunch with a great flavor. The real thing that sticks out to me every time I get a bag is that because the number one ingredient in them is CORN...they have a sweet aftertaste not to far different than Bugles. That being said, this bag is Harvest Cheddar in my mind they could have used more cheddar flavor. I had to think to pick it out. The corn and whole grain wheat flavors bullied it into a corner. Not that they taste bad, I just wish in my mind there was more flavor on the chips. Overall I would rate these a 3 out of 5.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Winn Dixie Sriracha Potato Chips

Winn Dixie Brand Sriracha chips

I have always found Winn Dixie chips to be a great value... 1.00 a bag is pretty good when the same size from the big guys runs 2.49 or so. The flavors are usually pretty good. Not always as strong as some of the more expensive brand but always decent. Being a pepper head (one who likes hot food) I use Sriracha like most folks use ketchup. Sweet and full chili flavor it is a wonderful addition to a hamburger or hot dog. I saw these and went OK gotta get a bag. Since that time I have probably gotten 15+ bags. The medium sized bag is what you get for a dollar. My son and I just kill it in one sitting..which is good and they don't go stale. The Sriracha flavor is really there. Sweet and not an overpowering amount of heat...but enough if you eat more than one hand full it starts to build. You can taste the garlic and paprika in there too. Have had Sriracha chips by other makers and honestly I like these better. I would like to see them in a kettle style chip..which is my favorite style. On a scale of 1 to 4 I would give them a solid 4.
More reviews later. Send a request or two and I will see what i can do.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Lay's Kettle Cooked Indian Tikka Masala chips

Lay's Kettle Cooked Indian Tikka Masala

Now those who know me know I am a bit of a foodie. I love Indian food. Tikka Masala is an Indian styled chicken dish that originated in England...even though the seasoning roots are well rooted in Indian cooking. I like it a lot. So when I saw these chips I was like "can they get it right?" They got pretty close.

I like Kettle Chips...nothing better to me than going to a restaurant that fries their own. Lay's does a good job with them..cruncy and not too greasy with a good potato chip flavor. As far as the Tikka Masala seasoning. Not much of the chicken flavor in there, but the Masala is present. I like it a little spicy and they have some spice..more would be better. You can taste the coriander, cumin and other spices. I sat down and ate about half the bag at the first sitting. I would recommend these if you like Indian or middle eastern food. On a scale of 1 to 5 I would give them a 4. I think they are well balanced and hope they keep making them in the future.

More on these new flavors later.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Ok...I have an addiction. I admit it. I love potato chips and love finding all kinds of new flavors. Yes I annually submit dozens of new flavors to Lays flavor contest. Still hoping to win that million bucks. But seriously, I am your average foodie and love chips of all kinds. I plan to review what ever I come included. You can follow along and make all the comments on the flavors you wish. I hope to try one new flavor a week....starting tomorrow. Follow my blog and lets see where this journey takes us...